ARC Agent Lisa Stewart: Federal Case AI Analysis of criminal and civil allegations and potential penalties
Defendant Chris Hodges: AI Analysis of Civil and Criminal Allegations and Penalties
Defendant Tim Timberlake: AI Analysis of Civil and Criminal Allegations (counterclaims district court case)
Defendant Lisa Stewart: AI Analysis of Civil and Criminal Allegations (counterclaims district court case)
AI Analysis of the ARC Federal Case: Allegations and Potential Penalties
ACCOUNTABLE TO NO ONE: Church boards gone bad
What is Extortion? A closer look at the alleged extortionate demands of Highlands and ARC board members under Florida law
How The Federal Government Used Evangelical Leaders To Spread Covid Propaganda To Churches
The Role of Attorneys in Enforcing the ARC Agenda: A Closer Look at Lawfare
When influence and success are valued more than truth.
Highlands Board in Spotlight: Examining the Highlands Board's Potential Liability in Pastors' alleged Criminal Behavior
Uncovering the Truth: The Controversy Surrounding the Fabricated Nelson Mullins Report
Why plant a church when you can just steal one?
SHOCKING: Pastor Chris Hodges accepts as true multiple criminal allegations against him in federal lawsuit
"A Sword and a Shield"A closer look at the potential abuse of the ecclesiastical abstention doctrine
Corruption in the Church: A Call to Reform
Understanding Schemes to Defraud
Setting a Precedent for Lawlessness in Churches
Racketeering Explained
Stovall and Kerri Weems cleared of allegations in Nelson Mullins Report by Global Investigations Firm, former FBI investigator